Unbound not working when following steps from official guide

5335 is fine.

Finish the guide.
Its below part in pi-hole.conf:

    port: 5335
    do-ip4: yes
    do-udp: yes
    do-tcp: yes

Tried 5335, same result.
Tried 5300, same result.

Why do you deviate from the guide ?
What results ?

user@SERVER:/$ dig sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 65003
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net.  IN      A

;; Query time: 47 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 05 21:47:17 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 57


user@SERVER:/$ dig sigok.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> sigok.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 21147
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;sigok.verteiltesysteme.net.    IN      A

;; Query time: 56 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 05 21:47:46 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 55

Try restart the daemon and test with dig again:

sudo service unbound restart

user@SERVER:/$ sudo service unbound restart
user@SERVER:/$ sudo dig pi-hole.net @ -p 5335

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> pi-hole.net @ -p 5335
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 60673
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;pi-hole.net.                   IN      A

;; Query time: 53 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 05 21:50:56 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 40

The weird thing is that I have the exact same setup on an Rpi and it is working perfectly!

Reboot :smiley:

:grinning: :grinning:

user@SERVER:~$ dig sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 43235
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net.  IN      A

;; Query time: 54 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 05 21:53:24 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 57

user@SERVER:~$ dig sigok.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> sigok.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5335
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 25147
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;sigok.verteiltesysteme.net.    IN      A

;; Query time: 54 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 05 21:53:31 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 55

Same result. Wrong smiley. This is the right one > :roll_eyes:

Yeah thats bummer.
Date/time correct ?


Spot on, 100% correct

               Local time: Wed 2020-08-05 21:57:00 BST
           Universal time: Wed 2020-08-05 20:57:00 UTC
                 RTC time: Wed 2020-08-05 20:57:00
                Time zone: Europe/London (BST, +0100)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no

Quick question:
Should the settings of PiHole affect unbound in any way?

Maybe bit overkill but you could try stop unbound:

sudo service unbound stop

Start here manually with verbose debug logging:

sudo /usr/sbin/unbound -ddd -vvv -c /etc/unbound/unbound.conf

And see whats logged on screen when do those dig tests.

pihole-FTL only forwards DNS queries to unbound if configured properly.

user@SERVER:~$ sudo /usr/sbin/unbound -ddd -vvv -c /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] notice: Start of unbound 1.9.0.
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] warning: so-rcvbuf 1048576 was not granted. Got 425984. To fix: start with root permissions(linux) or sysctl bigger net.core.rmem_max(linux) or kern.ipc.maxsockbuf(bsd) values.
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] error: cannot open pidfile /run/unbound.pid: Permission denied
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: chdir to /etc/unbound
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: drop user privileges, run as unbound
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: switching log to stderr
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: module config: "subnetcache validator iterator"
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] notice: init module 0: subnet
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: subnet: option registered (8)
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] notice: init module 1: validator
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] notice: init module 2: iterator
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 0 is 3
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 1 is 2
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 2 is 1
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 3 is 0
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 4 is 0
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: Reading root hints from /var/lib/unbound/root.hints
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: DelegationPoint<.>: 13 names (0 missing), 26 addrs (0 result, 26 avail) parentNS
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=7808 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.9.0).
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: subnet[module 0] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_new
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: subnet operate: query . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: validator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: validator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: priming . IN NS
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=8402 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=8699 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=8996 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=9293 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=9293 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=9590 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=9590 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=9887 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10184 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10184 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10481 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10481 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10481 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10778 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=10778 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11075 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11372 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11669 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11669 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11669 val=66352 subnet=74504
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: reply from <.>
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: query response was THROWAWAY
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: request has exceeded the maximum number of sends with 33
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: return error response SERVFAIL
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: validator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_moddone
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: validator operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: subnet[module 0] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_moddone
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: subnet operate: query . NS IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: iterator[module 2] operate: extstate:module_wait_subquery event:module_event_pass
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: iterator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: processQueryTargets: . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: Failed to get a delegation, giving up
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: return error response SERVFAIL
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: validator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: validator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: subnet[module 0] operate: extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] info: subnet operate: query . DNSKEY IN
[1596661504] unbound[1083:0] debug: cache memory msg=66072 rrset=66072 infra=11669 val=66352 subnet=74504

I run a different version but above lines doesnt look good if compare with mine:

pi@noads:~ $ sudo /usr/sbin/unbound -ddd -vvv -c /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] notice: Start of unbound 1.9.6.
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: chdir to /etc/unbound
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: drop user privileges, run as unbound
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: switching log to stderr
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: module config: "subnetcache validator iterator"
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] notice: init module 0: subnet
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: subnet: option registered (8)
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] notice: init module 1: validator
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] notice: init module 2: iterator
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 0 is 3
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 1 is 2
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 2 is 1
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 3 is 0
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 4 is 0
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: Reading root hints from /var/lib/unbound/root.hints
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] info: DelegationPoint<.>: 13 names (0 missing), 26 addrs (0 result, 26 avail) parentNS
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] debug: cache memory msg=33040 rrset=33040 infra=3916 val=33196 subnet=41372
[1596662107] unbound[17756:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.9.6).

Post distro etc and maybe someone else knows ?

hostnamectl | tail -3

lsb_release -a

apt policy unbound

Or post issue at unbound package maintainer site or ask unbound support.

Thanks for your effort and help.
I think no Unbound for me :frowning:

query response was THROWAWAY

For every root NS query. Root hints may be broken, your time is indeed off, the jail is not configured correctly, you can't chroot for your OS.... Many reasons, none are Pi-hole.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Should I enable DNSSEC in Pi-hole using unbound?

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