Unable to synchronize system time, Pi-hole not working

That won't work.

This thread is littered with tangents that muddy the waters so lets start again.

Raspberry Pi devices don't have a Real Time Clock onboard. So they use an application called fakehwclock to fake that facility. It writes a file with the current time when you gracefully shut down the Pi. When it starts up again it reads that file and uses that time as the start time until it can reach a way/process to update the current time (NTP). If you pull the power on the system or crash out then that file is not written and the default time sets back to what is called The Epoch (that 1970s date you often see.)

So, solutions are:

  • Spend $5 and attach an RTC module.
  • Use NTP servers that can be reached via IP address and don't need DNS resolution to access.
  • Set the router to be an NTP server (some have that capability) and configure the Pi to use that as the NTP server.

That looks like it's the right time to me. Does a dig to show an IP address? What port is unbound on and how have you configured Pi-hole to use unbound?