Unable to do scripted upgrade since 5.11.3

We are aware of this and one of the developers assigned himself to that issue.

This is different than the unsupported flag issue.

Rocky does pass the support txt record check but something else is triggering the PHP detection to fail.

Can you run curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | sudo bash -x and get the output before that dialog comes up?

Does the same thing happen if you do the unattended flag?

Sorry, I'm getting: "Sorry, new users can't mention other users." trying to paste all of the output. I think this is the relative part of the dialog, looks like it needs to grep for Rocky also.
+ return 0

  • [[ dnf == \y\u\m ]]
  • [[ dnf == \d\n\f ]]
  • select_rpm_php
  • grep -qiE 'fedora|fedberry' /etc/redhat-release
  • grep -qiE 'centos|scientific' /etc/redhat-release
  • dialog --no-shadow --keep-tite --title 'Unsupported RPM based distribution' --defaultno --no-button Exit --yes-button Continue --yesno 'Would you like to continue installation on an unsupported RPM based distribution?\n\nPlease ensure the following packages have been installed manually:\n\n- lighttpd\n- lighttpd-fastcgi\n- PHP version 7+' 20 70
  • result=1
  • case ${result} in
  • printf ' %b User opted not to continue installation on an unsupported RPM based distribution.\n' '[i]'
    [i] User opted not to continue installation on an unsupported RPM based distribution.
  • exit 1

Yeah, I think that's the issue.

Can you show the contents of /etc/redhat-relelase?

editing line 384 in the install script to be:
elif grep -qiE 'centos|scientific|rocky' /etc/redhat-release; then
gets the install script past the dialog about an unsupported os.


Can you try with the original grep line and with unattended install?

I have tried with just the unattended and with the modified grep line and unatended. The unattended flag does not appear to be doing anything since when I try with the modified grep line I get past the unsupported os dialog and then get the "This installer will transform your device into a network-wide add blocker!" dialog, and then the Open Source Software notification dialog, and then the Static IP Needed dialog. I haven't gone past that point.

Okay thanks for that check!

Looking at the code I think the unattended only works for upgrades, not for installs. I don't have any systems that need an upgrade at the moment, but I did try unattended before the last upgrade and it didn't help.

It's actually how the install part of the docker image works:

Preseed a setupVars.conf (or export the contained environment variables) first, and then just pass in --unattended, and hey presto it works. Should do, anyway!

Some discussion here, but around alma.

Actually, I guess we never actually got around to adding alma into that second check:

I humbly apologize for the confusing posts yesterday. I was having a really bad day and should not have been trying this.
Just for completeness I ran the install with no flags and recieved the "Unsupported OS" dialog. I changed line 384 in the install script to be:
elif grep -qiE 'centos|scientific|rocky' /etc/redhat-release; then
created a setupVars.conf file with the appropriate settings and ran the install with the --unattended flag. The install completed successfuly with no dialogs showing and without any intervention required.

No need to apologize!

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