Temporary Failure in Name Resolution

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

[“ping google.com” or “git clone (pihole address)” should run normally]

Actual Behaviour:

_[Whenever I use a command that points to an non-numerical address I get the error: “Temporary failure in name resolution” or “Could not resolve host: (host)”. This includes ping, git, apt-get. I installed pihole on eth0 (Pi 3b+ running Rasbian lite) then immediately uninstalled because I was supposed to install it on tun0.

The only thing that seems off is the output of “ifconfig -a” which says that eth0’s broadcast is ‘’ when I believe it should be ‘’]_

Debug Token:

[-bash: pihole: command not found]

Why were you supposed to install it on tun0? Is Pi-Hole no longer installed?

I was going to use it with my OpenVPN setup. Yes I uninstalled it directly after finishing the install - no reboot in between

Without a Pi-Hole installation, there isn't anything we can help you with.

Alright thanks anyway!

If you re-install the Pi-Hole, don't put it on tun0 to start. Get it running without the VPN involved, then after you have it running, add the VPN configuration. One step at a time, one change at a time.

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