Stats over Unix or TCP socket

Expected Behaviour:

connecting to Unix socket, I should receive something similar to:


Actual Behaviour:

Socket read hangs

I looked through the AdminLTE code on Github, and see how a socket connection is made in PHP, I created a very simple PHP script to test:

  $address = '';
  $port = 4711;
  $socket = @fsockopen($address, $port);
  $out = fgets($socket);
  $out = rtrim($out);

also tried in Ruby:

require "socket"
socket ='/run/pihole/FTL.sock')
puts "--- Read from Socket ---"

Both running locally, both result in a hung execution, no exception thrown. I'm at a loss here, hoping someone has some ideas or knowledge around Pi-hole stats over Unix or TCP socket.

Debug Token:

May have found the missing issue, I needed to send a message to the socket before getting a response. Over TCP I was able to send the string ">stats" which did return wha I was expecting. Still nothing over Unix socket though.

Just a heads up, version 6 is planned to have a new API and the telnet interface will be going away.

Thanks for the heads DanSchaper. Version 6 will retain the Unix socket? How will the AdminLTE service retrieve stats?

The plan is for pihole-FTL to be have a full REST API.

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