Some pages missing from the web admin GUI

I'm having this issue now. No Group Management page/tab and no Local DNS Records page. I was on the 5.0 beta and did pihole checkout master as described here: Pi-hole v5.0 is here! – Pi-hole . I've tried multiple browsers with ctrl+f5 but no luck.

I saw pihole update and it reports the version as:

  Pi-hole version is v5.0 (Latest: v5.0)
  AdminLTE version is v5.0 (Latest: v5.0)
  FTL version is v5.0 (Latest: v5.0)

I've also noticed that pihole -a hostrecord is no longer an option. But the web interface seems stuck. Can anyone help?

Please post the token generated by

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Thank you, here's the debug log.

You are running nginx, which is not a supported configuration. Moving this topic to Community Help.

[80] is in use by nginx (

This community guide may help you get the web Admin working with nginx:

Thanks, it's still odd that those pages wouldn't appear at all, I've never had any issues with the web interface until now. I wonder if php 7.4 (instead of 7.3 as used in the guide) could be a factor. Anyhow this is not a pressing issue for me, but I'd be happy to try anything. And I'll double-check my nginx configuration to make sure it looks correct, I'm using it for pi-hole because I already had it running for other applications on the same server and I'm more familiar with it with lighttp.

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