[SOLVED] FTL says its active, interface says it isnt

Try with sudo?

oh...LOL my bad
here we go!

cunha@nether:~$ sudo pidof pihole-FTL

cunha@nether:~$ sudo pidof /usr/bin/pihole-FTL

Perhaps your operating system is preventing regular users from seeing other processes.

i would need to take some time to investigate the problem.
as i said, its simple minimal ubuntu with no major changes. ( aside i had to download the arm image from the odroid website, since the arm image form the ubuntu website doesnt boot)
so i find it weird not working.

It might be an ODROID thing. Try installing on a different system, like a Ubuntu VM, and see if it has the same issue.

ok thanks to irc, i found the problem

on fstab i was hiding the pid on /proc. (the fact that i did not remembered this was some next level retardeness from me, really sorry for wasting everybody's time!)
removed it, now its all dandy! <3 much love boys and thank you SO much for wasting all this time with me

setting in question

proc     /proc     proc     defaults,hidepid=2     0     0

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