[SOLVED]Configuração DNS Unbound com Pi-Hole com a porta 5353

Ajuda com configuração do Pi-hole com DNS Unbound pela porta 5353. Grato

Help with configuration of Pi-hole with DNS Unbound on port 5353. Thanks

The document here provides the instructions. You must be on the dev branch pihole checkout dev

Sim, mais no website Redirecting... informa que apenas colocar o, mais a realidade não deixa colocar #5353 fica Poderia me ajudar. Grato
Pi-hole Version v3.3.1 Web Interface Version v3.3 FTL Version v3.0

Yes, more on the website Redirecting... informs you that only put # 5353, but reality does not let # 5353 get Would you help me. GrateHelp with Pi-hole configuration with DNS Unbound over port 5353. Thanks

Pi-hole Version v3.3.1 Web Interface Version v3.3 FTL Version v3.0

Yes the doc site is intended for 4.0. To use this feature you need to run pihole checkout dev which will then allow you to put in as a custom upstream resolver

Olá! technicalpyro Muito Grato Este comando (run pihole checkout dev ) funcionou! Muito Grato!

Hello! technicalpyro Very grateful This command (run pihole checkout dev ) worked! Much obliged!

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De nada, que tengas un gran día

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