Slow internet speed

Ever since i got Pihole and Pihole VPN running, my wifi has been running slower then before.
In Pihole setting (DNS), i checked the boxes for IPV4 and IPV6 Google (ECS, DNSSEC)
I heard this should speed things up. But still running slower then it should.
Are there settings i should change?
Is there a general whitelist i should add to prevent slow speed?

Based on the limited information you have provided, regarding system running Pi-hole, and configuration, it difficult to say. OS/version? Pi-hole/version? Unbound?

I have been running Pi-hole on a RPi 4b and have had no issues with speed, or DNS resolution. Works like a champ.

My suggestion would be to provide some information regarding your configuration, and a debug token.


Pi raspberry 4. Latest mac apple OS

  • PI-HOLE [V5.18.3]
    Did you change any settings? When i first started Pihole, i blacklisted everything. And started whitelisting whenever i see a site thats slow or not accessing.

How do i get the debug token?

From the Pi-hole web interface, or the CLI.

And for OS, I meant for your RPi, as there are a few options there.

Debugging was finished. What do i need to upload it here?

You can create the debug token from the web interface, and I believe from the a terminal using the pihole command. Just provide the token, as only the Pi-hole folks can access that.

  • From your terminal, execute:

    pihole -d

    When the process is finished, it will ask if you want to upload the log.
    Answer Yes (Y). A Token will be generated.
    Copy and post here only the token URL.

  • Via Web interface:
    Go to Tools > Generate Debug Log, select the UPLOAD box and click on the button to generate the log.
    The log will be uploaded and the token will be displayed.
    Copy and post here only the token URL.

Here it is.
Thank you