Since 5.0 update, nearly everything is blocked, if not on whitelist


Since the 5.0 update, nearly every site domain is blocked, if it's not on the whitelist. Google login, google drive,, etc.

There are lines with these in my blocklists (easylists) but it don't think that's the problem, as before the update there problems werent exist. For example for github there a lines in blocklist:,,,,,,[title="facebook"]

I don't know what these mean, but i think only some parts should be blocked, yet pihole blocks the whole site.

This is the problem. Support for easy lists was dropped several versions ago (in Version 4.3.2, released September 2019), due to false positives. In Pi-hole V5 the gravity update script was re-rewritten, and some of the domains in the easy lists are being imported without the original context in the easy list. This is causing your false positives. You should not be using easy lists with Pi-hole - they are not the correct format.

Look at the following to demonstrate the problem:

Output of pihole -g

pihole -q

The solution - drop the easy lists from your adlists. Use only lists provided in HOSTS format.

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And where are not easylist type blocklists? Every other lists are seem to be easylist type too.

For example

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Pi-hole is a domain blocker. It blocks the domain with no knowledge of any content or path on the domain.

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