Settings in Web Interface not loading right

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

DNS Settings page to list and show selected Dns Servers.
Blocklist Page show all Block lists not just 4
System Settings show system settings

Actual Behaviour:

All Settings pages are white screen except block list
if Block list screen is loaded before going to other settings page. blocklist shows on all settings page.

Debug Token:

Has this displayed properly in the past and that has changed, or has it never displayed properly?

It displayed properly in the past .. I think it might be update related because I just updated this one and the one I sent in help ticket to update and they are both doing it.
Here's the second Debug log for the other Server that was just updated having same issue.

Can you make a new debug log? They expire after 48 hours.

What update and help ticket is this?

Something fixed it as it is now working properly.
I have not done anything except set cron jobs on them to process the update command.

I will check again in a couple days to make sure I didn't check the wrong servers

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