Reset to Default

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

I should be able to authenticate with the Home Depot website.

Actual Behaviour:

I can't authenticate, therefore I was going to trim down my blocklist of almost 4 million. I deleted every single blocklist, yet it still shows almost 4 million URLs blocked. I would like to set it back to the barebones version and start over from scratch.

Debug Token:


After you delete all the blocklists, you have to rebuild the gravity list (the master list of blocked domains used by Pi-Hole); this will read your new block lists and process them. On the Web Admin GUI, this is the purpose of the "save and update" blue box on the bottom right of the block list page. If you hit "save" on the left, it only saves the adlists.list file, but doesn't update gravity.

You can also manually edit file /etc/pihole/adlists.list, then after you save your changes run pihole -g to update gravity.

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I made sure to specifically click "save and update" several times from the GUI. I will try the manual way.


See image of my adlist. This is all mine says. I ran the pihole -g command and the GUI still says 3,951,154 domains blocked. What's the easiest way to just set it back to the default?

Edit that file. Delete the contents and paste in the seven lists from the linked FAQ. Save and exit, then run pihole-g.

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