REQUEST: Option to send logs to a remote logserver

Dear wioxjk,
Most GNU/Linux distros use the package rsyslogd as the system logging service.
Check for /etc/rsyslog.conf
By default, dnsmasq sends its log lines to the system log service,
unless commanded otherwise.
The default dnsmasq configuration has log-facility=DAEMON
(Read the dnsmasq manpages)
The original Pi-hole developer decided to override the default with log-facility=[A-FILE-NAME]
Possible HowTo:
Make /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-pihole-log-facility.conf containing:


to over-override Pi-hole's configuration.
No need to tamper with /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.log
since it does NOT "belong" to you.
Just "comment" the "log-facility=" statement there.
Possible HowTo:
Make /etc/rsyslog.d/11-dnsmasq-pihole-log.conf containing something like the following:

#                                                                        #
# This file is : /etc/rsyslog.d/11-dnsmasq-pihole-log.conf               #
#                                                                        #
# Debian based distros :                                                 #
#                                                                        #
#     /etc/rsyslog.conf contains :                                       #
#                                                                        #
#     $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf                               #
#                                                                        #
# Caution :                                                              #
#                   rsyslog includes all the files,                      #
#                           and then evaluates the resulting config      #
#                                                                        #
# Warning :                                                              #
#                   rsyslog inserts the HOSTNAME in the new log line,    #
#                           between the log date and the log programname #
#                                                                        #
#                                                                        #
# rsyslogd filter file                                                   #
#                                                                        #
# Filter A : Send ALL dnsmasq loglines to a log destination.             #
#            For remote : adapt and UN-comment the remote destination.   #
if ( $programname == "dnsmasq" )
then {
#      @myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress  (UDP)
#      @@myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress (TCP)
# Filter B : Send ONLY the DNS queries to a log destination:             #
#            For remote : adapt and UN-comment the remote destination.   #
       if ( $msg contains "query[A" )
       then {
#             @myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress  (UDP)
#             @@myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress (TCP)
#             For the count of the DNS queries = Use :
#             wc -l /var/log/pihole/dnsmasq.pihole.query.log
# Filter C : Send ONLY the BLOCKED domains to a log destination.         #
#            Variation (1) : test the presence of "gravity.list".        #
#            For remote : adapt and UN-comment the remote destination.   #
       if ( $msg contains "/etc/pihole/gravity.list" )
       then {
#             @myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress  (UDP)
#             @@myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress (TCP)
#             For the count of the blocked domains = Use :
#             wc -l /var/log/pihole/dnsmasq.pihole.blocked.log
# Filter D : Send DNS queries and BLOCKED domains to a log destination.  #
#            Variation (2) : test the pihole IP address.                 #
#            This captures the wildcard domain names also.               #
#            For remote : adapt and UN-comment the remote destination.   #
       if ( $msg contains "query[A" or $msg contains "is" )
       then {
#             @myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress  (UDP)
#             @@myremotelogmachinedomainnameORmyremotelogmachineIPaddress (TCP)
# End of Filters B C D                                                   #
# Since we have the dnsmasq loglines in our our logs now :               #
# Do NOT log the dnsmasq loglines in the system log.                     #
# End of Filter A                                                        #
#                                                                        #

Your preferences may vary. :slight_smile:

Note to the pi-hole developers: these filters work faster than faster than light :wink:

Grtz, F.C.