RegEx update time

Hi guys I'm playing around with RegEx to check out it's possibilities.
In case i wanna block everything from "tiktok" I added "" into the blacklist - RegEx-filter on the web interface. After that I upgraded the Gravity List but I could still open "".
So I looked at the RegEx blocking documentation and found the option to reload the new filters with "pihole restartdns reload-lists" and "sudo service pihole-FTL restart". But after all it doesn't work until I waited approx. 5min. Suddenly the changes have been accepted and "" is now blocked.

Can you tell me why updating gravity and service reloading doesn't work immediately?

Thanks for your help


it's because applications like a browser, but also the operating system, have their own DNS cache. Blocking only takes effect when entries (their TTL) in the cache have expired.

A possible workaround could be to close the browser or to clear its cache.

Sounds logical thanks :wink:
Can you tell me is it enough to update the gravity list or should I also update the services per SSH ?

If you just add single domains (to black/whitelist/regex) you don't have to run gravity. As wrote above pihole restartdns reload-lists is sufficient.

At the end of each gravity the service is also restarted.

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