Regex not imported

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

(pihole just updated, working through the webinterface)
I added a new regex to the blacklist, and updated gravity

Expected Behaviour:

The regex is imported and domains are filtered using that.

Actual Behaviour:

Relevant output from gravity:
[i] Number of whitelisted domains: 12
[i] Number of blacklisted domains: 0
[i] Number of regex filters: 0

domains matching the regex are not filtered

checking /etc/pihole/regex.list shows the lines, of which the webinterface said the regex was correct:
root@server:~# cat /etc/pihole/regex.list



(making the regex progressively more simple doesn't change the described behaviour)

Debug Token:

[✓] Your debug token is: 3ut874j5wn

Thanks for the correction: I changed the \d by [0-9] and the \w by [A-Za-z0-9]... but unfortunately it didn't change anything: I stil get this output:

[i] Number of regex filters: 0
[✓] Parsing domains into hosts format
[✓] Cleaning up stray matter

[✓] Force-reloading DNS service
[✓] DNS service is running
[✓] Pi-hole blocking is Enabled
root@server:/etc/pihole# cat /etc/pihole/regex.list


(also, as a minor bug: the web interface didn't seem to have any problems with the \d and \w symbols)

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