Question: Pi-hole app for Splunk


I have Pi-hole running in a docker on Synology Diskstation as a host.

And I have Splunk docker as well running fine.

Everything is working as expected.

I wonder where I can find the following file/path to create/edit though per the Splunk plugin:

Pi-hole app for Splunk

Create an input for the log file. The following is an example you could add to inputs.conf if you are using the default paths.
Be sure to set the sourcetype to pihole:log

whitelist = pihole\.lo.+
disabled = false
sourcetype = pihole:log

On my synology pihole docker here:

root@Synology:~# sudo docker exec -it pihole /bin/bash
root@pihole:/# ls  bin	boot  dev  etc	home  lib  lib64  libexec  media  mnt  opt  proc  root	run  s6-init  sbin  srv  sys	tmp  usr  var
root@pihole:/# cd var
root@pihole:/var# cd log 
root@pihole:/var/log# ls -1

Please advise.


It looks like the file exists already. /var/log/pihole.log. But you'll need to allow the file to be accessed outside of the pihole container.

Hey Dan, Thanks for the quick response.

I have the following setup as you can see two folders already exposed outside the docker.

Can you tell me please what are volumes I can add to get that directory exposed outside the pihole docker image?



You are right, it worked and added the log files now in the folder outside the docker.

However, it says in the application details of Splunk, that I have to create a config file and add the info below:

  • Create an input for the log file
whitelist = pihole\.lo.+
disabled = false
sourcetype = pihole:log

I am going to create the file now and testing it.

That would be something the application author would be able to guide you on.

I will check that for sure with the developer of the app.

I have tried to point an external folder for the /var/log folder but I got into an issue where it's not installing all the files as before.

root@Synology:~# sudo docker exec -it Pi-hole /bin/bash
root@Pi-hole:/# ls  bin	boot  dev  etc	home  lib  lib64  libexec  media  mnt  opt  proc  root	run  s6-init  sbin  srv  sys	tmp  usr  var
root@Pi-hole:/# cd var
root@Pi-hole:/var# cd log
root@Pi-hole:/var/log# ls
pihole	pihole-FTL.log	pihole.log

As you can see now it just created few files and folder, but not all of them as it was by default.

And the logs showing the following:

date	stream	content
2020-05-28 04:49:03	stdout	lighttpd: no process found
2020-05-28 04:49:03	stdout	Stopping lighttpd
2020-05-28 04:49:03	stdout	2020-05-28 04:49:03: (log.c.171) opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log' failed: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:03	stdout	cron: no process found
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	Stopping cron
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	Starting lighttpd
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	/var/spool/cron: mkdir: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	/var/spool/cron: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	Starting crond
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	lighttpd: no process found
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	Stopping lighttpd
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	2020-05-28 04:49:02: (log.c.171) opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log' failed: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:02	stdout	cron: no process found
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	Starting lighttpd
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	Stopping cron
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	/var/spool/cron: mkdir: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	/var/spool/cron: No such file or directory
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	Starting crond
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	lighttpd: no process found
2020-05-28 04:49:01	stdout	Stopping lighttpd

Before creating the external directory on the Synology, it was able to create/install all the filers needed as you could see from the SSH screenshot when created this post.

root@Synology:~# sudo docker exec -it pihole /bin/bash
root@pihole:/# ls  bin	boot  dev  etc	home  lib  lib64  libexec  media  mnt  opt  proc  root	run  s6-init  sbin  srv  sys	tmp  usr  var
root@pihole:/# cd var
root@pihole:/var# ls
backups  cache	lib  local  lock  log  mail  opt  run  spool  tmp  www
root@pihole:/var# cd log 
root@pihole:/var/log# ls
alternatives.log  apt  btmp  dpkg.log  faillog	lastlog  lighttpd  pihole  pihole-FTL.log  pihole.log  pihole.log.1  wtmp

Any idea, why it's not able to install those files/directories as it's able to do so inside the docker container?



I managed to map the log file in the Docker host (Synlology) instead of mapping the entire directory and that did the trick.

Here are some screenshots that would help if anyone wants to keep the log file outside the docker container.