Query Log

The Query Log needs some more over work in my opinion so basically the main thing should be showing the correct time
then the filters do not work properly

im not saying you diden't do a good job ore so
its in my oppinion but i may really be wrong :wink:
I only try to help :raised_hands:

I don't know if I understand what you mean ... I have the correct times in the log:

My local time is just 15:30:32.

please be more specific. The implementation of the filters was quite tricky and it is very well possible that several things don't behave as expected, especially if several things are combined.

That is very appreciated. I'm happy to discuss everything with you. In the end we either find out that it is broken and I repair it, or you learn something new as well. We can only gain something from these discussions.

well my time loocks way different :thinking:

this is how my time looks like XD on multiple pihole's its like this
it may depend from where you input the time

and the filters well mostly it doesn't filter at all

Okay, clear the browser cache. You also have to make sure that the Javascripts are downloaded anew. Sometimes that can be achieved with Ctrl+F5, but often you will have to go to the Developers Console (press F12) and select something like disable cache there before reloading.

Example (Chrome on Linux):

ah yeah that worked that sucks :rolling_eyes: :joy:
for the filters the Action one doesn't work
and if i go to the dashboard -->top clients-->on my ip there is just a detail on the client field the filter option is a bit unnecessary :wink: but doesn't disturb
anyway there is the same problem with the Action section

I don't even know what you mean by that...

also here...

what i mean is that if i press the yellow lighted ...(forgot the name of that XD) it doesn't change from the blacklisted to the whitelistet

Hope to see a GUI option to select searching of Client and/or Domain columns. I noticed in the FTL JS there's a search for domain and client.

Oh right, but it doesn't make too much sense to sort that as you can sort the field before that (Status). I'll see if I can disable sorting on this column, but I think I tried somewhen in the past and that wasn't possible.

ah okay so if you can't disable it you could just let it sort it like the "ststus" :wink:

I'd have to dig deeper into the DataTables documentation to see how what would have to be done.

Who knows how to do it with DataTables. You can always try yourself modifying the code if you like :slight_smile:
It could speed-up development significantly.
