Problem with "pihole updatechecker local"

Expected Behaviour:

Pi-Hole should be updating

Actual Behaviour:

I did two new installs of Pi-Hole, one yesterday, one today. Now every 10 minutes the cron daemon sends an email with subject "Cron root@rpi-pihole PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/" pihole updatechecker local" and body "fatal: Keine Namen gefunden, kann nichts beschreiben.
fatal: Keine Namen gefunden, kann nichts beschreiben."
Running "sudo pihole updatechecker local" gives the same two lines of "fatal: Keine Namen gefunden, kann nichts beschreiben.
fatal: Keine Namen gefunden, kann nichts beschreiben."

From what I got so far it seems to be a problem in git, Pi-Hole itself is running fine.

Debug Token:

[✓] Your debug token is:!

This is indeed not very helpful...

You are probably right. What is the output of the three comands

cd /etc.pihole && git status
cd /var/www/html/admin && git status
pihole-FTL version


pi@rpi-pihole:/ $ cd /etc/.pihole && git status
Auf Branch master
Ihr Branch ist auf dem selben Stand wie 'origin/master'.
nichts zu committen, Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert
pi@rpi-pihole:/etc/.pihole $ cd /var/www/html/admin && git status
Auf Branch master
Ihr Branch ist auf dem selben Stand wie 'origin/master'.
nichts zu committen, Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert
pi@rpi-pihole:/var/www/html/admin $ pihole-FTL version
pi@rpi-pihole:/var/www/html/admin $ pihole -v
  Pi-hole version is Untagged (Latest: v4.2.2)
  AdminLTE version is Untagged (Latest: v4.2)
  FTL version is v4.2.3 (Latest: v4.2.3)

I added a "pihole -v" since I found it odd, that the first two entries say "untagged". Is it supposed to be this way?

German locale, output of the two status commands is "On branch master / Your branch is on same status as 'origin/master'. Nothing to commit, work directory unchanged".

It is not supposed to be this way, however, it currently is like this. So your installation is okay.

The reason for this is buried deeply down into git and will be fixed by the next release we hope to get out until next weekend. It is basically done, just awaiting final testing by the core developers which have, unfortunately, been super busy the last days.

Thanks. Would this fix my problem with the cron job / updatechecker?

Yes, everything will be back in order once we release v4.3 and you update to this version.


Thanks again!

Any news on this? It has been a while and the emails keep pouring in.


A possible solution found on reddit , read here

That worked. Thanks.

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