Possible to upgrade directly from V3.2.1 to latest?

I have an RPI3 equipped with an old version of pi-hole (V3.2.1) that I would like to upgrade to the latest version. The RPI3 is running Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) and pi-hole's DHCP service replaces the router's (disabled) DHCP service.

Can I update directly using pihole -up or is it, and/or the OS version, too old?

If not possible then is the only recourse a complete replacement of the OS and a fresh installation of pi-hole?

Lastly, I think I know the answer to this one but just to confirm, is pi-hole's DHCP server simply stretch's DHCP server? In other words, even if the latest version of pi-hole can be installed on stretch, the version of DHCP will still be stretch's version?

Pi-hole is probably incompatible with Debian Stretch.

The support was dropped more than one year ago: Upcoming Pi-hole changes – Pi-hole and Bye Bye Debian Stretch :: Looking for testers

Also, the there are 5 and a half years between v3.2.1 (Dec 22, 2017) and the current v5.17.1 version (May 30, 2023).

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OK thanks. I figured it was unreasonable to assume that I could jump versions so far and with an outdated OS, but I needed confirmation.

Looks like I have a bit of work to do.

The RaspberryPi Foundation discourages in-place release ugrades anyway.

Even assuming that you would be able to upgrade from Stretch to Buster, and then from Buster to Bullseye (and maybe from Bullseye to Bookworm) - that'd be likely far more time consuming than flashing the most recent RPi OS, installing Pi-hole and importing a Teleporter backup.

Actually, my goal was to simply upgrade pi-hole, not the OS.

I'm aware of the requirement to replace major OS versions (not upgrade in place). That's why I was hoping it wouldn't be required.

In this case, starting from scratch won't be all that fast due to the need for re-installing (and re-configuring) other things that also run on the same RPi (NUT, CUPS, log2RAM, etc).

Anyway, it's something that eventually needed to be done and now it's overdue.


Fresh installation and now running the latest of everything.

Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
          Kernel: Linux 6.1.21-v7+

Pi-hole version is v5.17.1 (Latest: v5.17.1)
AdminLTE version is v5.20.1 (Latest: v5.20.1)
FTL version is v5.23 (Latest: v5.23)

FWIW, I carried over the following file from the old host:

All running smoothly so far. Now I have some reading to do to learn about the many new features (since 2018).

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