PIXEL setupvars.conf missing

I am trying to reinstall Pihole on a reformated Raspi3, running PIXEL.

When I run pihole -g I get the following error:

"WARNING: /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf missing. Possible installation failure.
::: Please run 'pihole -r', and choose the 'reconfigure' option to reconfigure."

i have tried to uninstall and reinstall. My token is: d5g6ncme7w

Share the contents of /etc/pihole/install.log

Checking if user 'pihole' exists...
::: User 'pihole' already exists
::: Installing scripts from /etc/.pihole... done.
::: Installing configs...
::: Existing dnsmasq.conf found... it is not a pi-hole file, leaving alone!
::: Copying 01-pihole.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf... done.
::: Creating log file and changing owner to dnsmasq... already exists!
::: Installing pihole custom index page...
::: Existing index.html detected, not overwriting
::: Existing index.js detected, not overwriting
::: Installing sudoer file... done!
::: Installing latest Cron script... done!
::: Configuring iptables for httpd and dnsmasq..

Also, the only thing in the /etc/pihole directory is the install.log

A similar case on a Synology thread also crashed out at this point...

Can you run sudo iptables -L and get any kind of response from that command?