Pihole with unbound shows status: SERVFAIL on dig pi-hole.net @ -p 5335....Please Help fix this problem

Please see the attached text file:
putty.txt (8.1 KB)

I am very new to configuring pihole. Can someone please explain in very simple terms why I am getting this error and what I need to do to fix it? Thanks

Edit /etc/resolvconf.conf and comment out the last line (add a # before it) so it reads as below and save it

sudo nano /etc/resolvconf.conf

# unbound_conf=/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf

Delete the no-longer-needed config file

sudo rm /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf

Restart Unbound

sudo service unbound restart

Run the test again. Does this help? You can also check your date and time are correct, correct timezone etc.


Thanks for your help chrisiph. I made all of the corrections but I still am getting a SERVFAIL error. My date and time are correct. Please see attached file:
Putty.txt (4.0 KB)

The following was recommended on the pihole reditt forum:
Opera Snapshot_2023-01-21_084009_www.reddit

I believe you instructed me to do what was suggested above. However, how do I "recreate" the resolv.conf file manually, then "make the files attributes immutable"?

(FYI: this service from the above paragraph)

I might be missing something here, but unbound will NOT be able to resolve the bespoke pi.hole name as that would not exist upstream. Only pi-hole can respond to that name, right? If you dig with -p 5335, you are going directly to unbound (if that's its port) and bypassing pi-hole for that request.

Please see file below...I tried to dig crosstalksolutions.com @ -p5335 and still obtained a SERVFAIL :frowning_face:
putty.txt (634 Bytes)

Did you check this?

Yes, I tried this:

My Solution(from above thread):

  • stop unbound-resolvconf.service
  • Edit /etc/resolvconf.conf
  • delete file: /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf
  • reboot

But I still get SERVFAIL

After reboot, verify that the etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf file didn't get recreated.

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