Pihole stuck on Google DNS

The issue I am facing:

I set my Pihole to use Open DNS and when I run a 'dig' I get told my pihole that it is using Google DNS
Details about my system:
The latest version of pihole on Raspberry Pi OS Buster
What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:
I changed nothing

What is telling you that?

Please upload a debug log and post just the token that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Here comes the requested token

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Networking
[✓] IPv4 address(es) bound to the eth0 interface:


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 142 Sep 12 20:19 /etc/resolv.conf
   domain fritz.box
   nameserver fd00::e228:6dff:fe78:e69a

Your device hosting Pi-hole is using the DNS servers listed above named "nameserver" for itself. There is nothing wrong about this. Two of these servers are from google.

All queries send to the device from other clients are handled by Pi-hole and are send to "PIHOLE_DNS_1/2"

The way I under seem to understand it. Is that the information from the pihole. does not get passed on to the local resolv.conf file.

of the servers which I picked does not get passed on into the resolv.conf of the local pihole.

Since I had no in fixing this issue should I just rebuilt the SD card image ?

The upstream DNS servers used by Pi-hole are independent of whatever nameserver you may have assigned on the host OS. Pi-hole makes no changes to the host nameserver.

What is the issue you want to fix? Do you want Pi-hole to use a different upstream DNS server? Do you want the Pi-hole host device to use a different nameserver? Neither of these requires rebuilding the SD card image.

I assume by "my Pihole" you mean the device on which Pi-hole is operating? Pi-hole is software, and the underlying OS is not Pi-hole.

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Yes, appologies. When I wrote 'my Pihole' I meant the actual device eg operating from the local Pi.

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