Pihole Setup - Having Plex and Qbittorrent issues

Expected Behaviour:

Installed Pihole following - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBXTnrD_Zs4&list=WL&index=76
Verified on cnn.com no ads and i changed settings in my router as follows
a static IP address has been set which is the IP of raspberry Pi

Pi hole IP is listed as primary DNS and Secondary DNS is both are optional fields

In Pi hole web interface this is empty, not sure if this is causing issues.

Installed whitelist:GitHub - anudeepND/whitelist: A simple tool to add commonly white listed domains to your Pi-Hole setup.

Actual Behaviour:

My plex server (Windows Machine) is having issues with remote access
Qbit torrent client stopped working
Radarr was having issues

Debug Token:


Don't do this. Given multiple DNS Servers, clients are free to use any of them at any time.

Which empty block is of concern?

Is Pi-hole blocking any domains from the client(s) running that software?

Again i am a rookie at this and understood few things while setting up.
Went ahead and removed secondary dns

the upstream dns servers on the right are empty not sure if i need to fill in the info? In pi hole dhcp settings

seeing this issue i added my plex machine IP address in Client group management so that pi hole doesnt use that machine ( am i wrong in understanding this)

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