Avoid using
for production use.
Fair point. I use latest when I'm starting off and figuring out the config. Once I set it up (usually in the first day), I switch it to a hard version. Thanks for the call out.
Port 443 isn't stritcly required by Pi-hole anymore, especially if you stick with Pi-hole's default NULL blocking mode (recommended).
Nice. I'll take the 443 out after going through the blockingmode docs
Get rid of that
domain portion and see if that would fix your issue.
I have tried going to the local IP directly (curl 192.168.x.x:9080
) and running acurl localhost:9080
from the machine and neither of those worked
Based on the logs and some of the code in start.sh
, lighttpd never started up explaining why the curl calls fail (from my machine, from the box running the container and from inside the container). All of its seems to be tied with FTL (which I don't understand)
In addition, there seems to have been a problem with some recent Docker version itself when binding to port 53, see Docker unable to bind to port 53 - #14 by goo3r
I'm running an older version of Docker (and not on Windows)
$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0
Ran netstat to find nothing listening in on :53
. I'm trying to find out why