Pihole Not Responding to DNS Requests; Logs Show Requests Received

Debug Token: U8zOROqa

Running dig @MY-IP or with either of the internal IPs used by Pihole will hang until it gives up. I thought it had begun with the latest image pulled last night, but downgrading to 2022.01, 2021.12.1, and 2021.12 gave the same issue. I can run dig inside the container and it will return the correct DNS lookups and will block domains appropriately.

Looking through the debug log, I noticed the errors below:

[✓] No IPv4 address available on eth0@if170
[✓] No IPv4 address available on eth1@if172


*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Pi-hole processes
[✗] lighttpd daemon is inactive
[✗] pihole-FTL daemon is inactive

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Pi-hole-FTL full status
[i] systemctl:  command not found

I'm not sure why it returns that. It does have an IP listed as per Portainer and does have the proper ports forwarded.

Any help would be appreciated.

Update: After more testing, I'm even more confused as to the problem.

What works:

  • Running dig domain.com +tcp

  • Running dig domain.com +notcp

  • Running dig +tcp

What doesn't work:

  • Running dig

  • Running dig +notcp

  • Running dig domain.com

And because those last three don't work, domain resolution doesn't work at all. I'm not that knowledgeable on networking, but if I had to guess, Pihole isn't using Port 53/udp at all.

Please share your Pi-hole container's configuration, e.g. your docker-compose or docker run details.

    driver: bridge
    driver: bridge
      com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: 'false'
      com.docker.network.bridge.name: pihole_net
    container_name: pihole
    image: pihole/pihole:latest
      - pihole_net
      - default
      - 53:53/tcp
      - 53:53/udp
      - 81:80/tcp
      - 67:67/udp
      - NET_ADMIN
      TZ: $TZ
      - $DOCKERDIR/pihole/etc:/etc/pihole/
      - $DOCKERDIR/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d/
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: always

I've got some more updates on my testing but it doesn't answer any questions. I changed the settings from Permit All Origins to Allow Only Local Requests and it worked. Switched it back to Permit All Origins and it didn't work. Once again switched to Allow Only Local Requests and it did not work that time. I kept switching back and forth and it eventually started working again. No known pattern. All I know is that it sometimes works when it is set to Local only, but not every time it is switched to that.

I think some data may be corrupted but I don't know what.

looks like the same issue i have since today.
Login to the Pi-Hole admin GUI, i have on top right a new Warning -> queries from non-local network.
Had to change to "Permit all Origins".

Debian 11 as Docker host.
watchtower as an updater for all container.
Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed57
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build unknown

best regards,