PiHole Noob Confusion

It tried to do updates and failed because the network was unreachable...

I disabled the DHCP on the pi, re-enabled it on the router, SSH'd in, ran pihole -r to reconfigure, set it to eth0 with 1.222/24 as before mentioned. Once compted, it did not ask for an update this time... So I then disabled it on the router, and instead of just using the MAC address, I set a custom DNS Static Routing wit both the eth0 and wlan0 IP addresses, then re-eneabled the disab;ed settings on the pi, re-set the time without NTP... It then started to generate about 70 queries from some network devixes, sent them to the \5335 and made them bogus in red.

I have therefore manually set all the devices with both the IP DNS and set the router in Gateway so it can do boht... If something else is amiss, please let me know and I'l grab a new -D, the current token is https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/aGnUYz52/

Just curious- and that question might help- why do you have several interfaces from the raspberry pi to the router?
Like the developer mentioned only 1 is necessary, for example only 1 rj45 cable connecting the raspberrypi3b to the router, lets say recognised as eth0.
You don't need the wifi, or any other cables...

Also, from (the lack of) experience with troubleshooting pi-hole (and despite 20+ years troubleshooting Linux systems), sometimes it's easier and faster to start fresh:
-Reinstall raspbian
-Reconfigure raspbian basics (locale, keyboard, basic LAN)
-Reinstall pi-hole.

If you choose that path simply remember to copy any customs urls where you retrieve your block lists for gravity. I forgot, lost the one I had, and now I am using some less good one, found quickly on various pages.

You can also continue here, maybe some developer or helper will find why it's not working for you at the moment.

I used the extra connections as a way to trying to get a connection on the pi again.

Usually reimaging the pi would be my go to response from years of broken Windows installs, however, the pi is also acting as DNS over VPN that I can access from around the globe on any connection.

While I am here, does anyone know of a way I connect other devices, a PS4 and a Wii for example, through zerotier or the pi VPN routes?

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