Pihole is blocking Android Notifications on statusbar

Expected Behaviour:

Get Android working

Actual Behaviour:

If Pihole is active, android cant get notifications to his navigation bar. NTV News, Whatsapp, Snapchat and other app dont work. After disable pihole we get 3 weeks old messeges.

Debug Token:

[✓] Your debug token is: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/nrcgsovlea

I used the webinterace to discover the issue. But the DNS logs looks good for me. Nothing special got blocked. I also cant see entries for watsapp but if i ask, the webinterface says there are more then 100 websites with whatsapp.com get blocked. Im not able to view which all so i need your help to get it back to work. I googled what dns sever google is using for notifications but i found nothing.

Using the Pi command line, you can do more detailed queries to see what is on your blocklist and which blocklists contain a domain.

pihole -q -adlist -all whatsapp.com

You can also use these tools to determine why your desired content is being blocked:

My problem is, my hole andoid is affected. Not only whatsapp. The FAQ isnt very helpfull so how i can fix this?

Its not only whatsapp so i think itsn ot a whatsapp.com domain who get blocked. I asked in a few chatrooms and even no adnoid dev was able to help me so thats why im here.
The only helpfull think i got is that google use some server to deliver status notifications. but i wasnt able to find out wich they are.

Use the tools in the FAQ to examine the requests coming from the Android device. See what is being blocked, and selectively whitelist until sites load properly.

The fact that you have 3,221,965 domains on blocklist does not make this process any easier. That is a lot of domains being blocked. You might want to save your existing blocklists and then revert to the original six and see if this improves things. You can always go back to your current lists in the future.


Solved. I did a clean up for my personal Adlist and it seems mtalk.google.com and other DNS Requests from there are handling Notifications on Android dev which affects the Notification Bar.

Device used: Samsung Galaxy S8 and Xiaomi Redmi K20.
Solved on booth.

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