pihole-FTL refuses to start after upgrade - OSMC

just my two cents here spun up an OSMC build updated fully etc and installed pihole and as of yet dont seem to notice the issues that are being reported which leads to my question. What is different? not trying to be antagonistic or say this isn't and issue it obviously is just wondering if there was something you installed or didnt install that is causing this ?

@technicalpyro - nothing overtly unusual.

The install has been through multiple upgrades and is running on Debian Jessie. Other than pihole/osmc, I just have fail2ban and a few networking utilities installed for diagnostics. Don't really use it for anything else.

In case it's relevant:

$ cat /etc/debian_version

$ uname -r

so i just checked an mine survived the night still trying to figure out what could be different. however now we know a complete fresh install appears to be working well. one thing it could be is a permissions conflct as well when logging in using the osmc username it didnt like starting and stopping FTL or returning status correctly

Hmm Sam needs more than a poke:

$ cat /etc/issue
XBian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l

$ uname -r

And am currently updating XBian to stretch :slight_smile:


OSMC has now moved to a 4.9 kernel, and as of June we are shipping 4.9.29.

I'd be keen to include Pi-Hole in our App Store at some point. For now, I think there is a HOW-TO on our OSMC forum which outlines how to install it.

If anyone continues to experience problems installing Pi-Hole on OSMC, do let me know and I'll take a further look.



Have not seen anyone complain bout OSMC, or XBian for that matter.
But dont know how many run the Kodi Pi-Hole combo.
I love it though.
I've got a Pi B+ piggy backing an old HP monitor of mine.
Wherever I carry this combo, I've got instant Media Center + ad blocking + dhcp wired or wifi.