Pihole Docker unhealthy [solved]

The crash happened again in the same location, however, your log also showed

[2023-11-23 11:45:44.299 399/T600] FTL branch: master

while I was expecting to see fix/many_clients here instead:

Could one of your container regenerations you have mentioned reset the binary back to its initial state?

We already know that master crashes, no need to test this any further :wink:

is this error important for our test?

For my installation, I have a worked container with Pihole, but I have not persistent volumes for Pihole anche dnsmasq.d directory.

@PromoFaux Can we build a pihole container (v5) with only FTL on a custom branch (fix/many_clients)? The answer is probably Yes but I always forget how to do this.

No. This is only a symptom of FTL crash (or in some cases, FTL is still restarting), not a cause.
This error only means PHP is trying to connect to FTL, but FTL is not available.

Restarting the container will revert the changes made by running the pi-hole checkout command.

So if you restart the container you need to run the checkout command again

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I'm sorry but the problem isn't with the restarted the container, but after comand excecution.
pihole checkout ftl fix/many_clients
I don't see any improvement after comand excecution, the container remains in an unhealty state on portainer and from the pihole interface I see that the state remains inactive

Okay, so it seems there is some confusion here. I asked you to check out the branch fix/many_clients and that worked according to your screenshots. Then you have seen another crash but the crash log was reporting FTL is running on master, not the custom branch fix/many_clients so I figured the container was somehow reset (as you didn't check out master again, did you?).

As your screenshot shows, pihole-FTL is restarted during the checkout procedure so it should start running immediately. So I guess it crashes again shortly after so that the status has no chance to change at all? Please provide a new crash report from FTL.log and we will manage to get there eventually.

I am very sorry this is taking so long for you but - so far - it seems you are the only user experiencing this and us not being able to reproduce this makes it obviously very hard to fix it...

this log was generated by a container with FTL down,

  1. I deleted the log
  2. restarted the container
  3. ran the pihole checkout ftl fix/many_clients command a couple of times
  4. and exported the log file.
    FTL.txt (6.1 MB)

after this the pihole FTL is still down


However, looking at your uploaded FTL.log file, there is actually no problem and FTL is running fine so this display may be a cosmetic issue, only. Does your Pi-hole respond to DNS queries as you'd expect it to?

the problem is also that the interface doesn't seem to work properly and it's impossible to handle pihole. Here is the error:

in the meantime, I thank you very much for all the effort you have put in, especially you @DL6ER if you have any updates regarding my case history, I'll be waiting.

Hi all,
I have the same problem

I user Portainer and here is my stack :

version: "3"
    container_name: pihole
    image: pihole/pihole:latest
      - "53:53/tcp"
      - "53:53/udp"
      - "800:80/tcp"
      TZ: 'Europe/Paris'
      WEBPASSWORD: 'xxxxx'
      - './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole'
      - './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d'
    restart: unless-stopped

Can someone help me please ?

Hi, with the last update tagged 2024.01.0 and thanks @DL6ER the issue is solved!!!