Pihole Dashboard Graph Configuration File Location

The issue I am facing:
I would like to know where/what the default dashboard bar graph configuration file is.

Attempting to try and clone the graph style so that the Speedtest mod for Pihole looks and behaves the same as the Total queries over last 24 hours & Client activity over last 24 hours.

ie: Graph Grid Lines. Axes Font Color, auto resizing, displayed time auto changes rotation to prevent text overlap.

That mod is using a fork of our web interface repo as their own so best would be to ask them.

pihole-speedtest/install.sh at master · arevindh/pihole-speedtest · GitHub

git clone https://github.com/arevindh/AdminLTE admin

Thanks for replying Dan!

I've asked but so far we both haven't been able to really figure out how to get his graph to match the same formatting and style that you guys have.

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