PiHole Dashboard fails to load

Have you also changed the memory split?

Yes why not or try the purge again.
Also make sure after you purged everything, no config files are left behind in below folder:

sudo rm -rf /etc/lighttpd

EDIT: Ow and also empty below folder to be sure after the purge and before running pihole-r for repair:

sudo rm -rf /etc/php

Yes I reduced the VRAM to 16mb.

Even after adding 4gb of swap

Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.5-2) ...
/usr/bin/mandb: memory exhausted

I don't think mandb is supposed to be using this much ram, something seems wrong here.

Try below from here "It's possible the mandb index is corrupted":

sudo mandb -t

Remove cache:
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/man

sudo mandb -c

And try purge and repair again (EDIT: or maybe try reinstall first).

EDIT2: Ow and what is diskspace?

df -h

About 22gb free space.

Both fail due to memory exhaustion.

Would like to see the full df -h output pls?

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        29G  5.6G   22G  21% /
devtmpfs        183M     0  183M   0% /dev
tmpfs           216M  1.2M  214M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           216M  8.5M  207M   4% /run
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           216M     0  216M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1  253M   49M  204M  20% /boot
tmpfs            43M     0   43M   0% /run/user/1000
tmpfs            43M     0   43M   0% /run/user/999

I dont know how to fix this OS issue, its all guessing on my part.
Maybe you have better luck at a proper Pi-OS/Raspbian support forum.
Or wait for someone here that has a solution for the mandb issue.
The two problems your experiencing might be related.
And I would get the mandb issue fixed first before proceeding to solve the other problem(s).

For comparison with my Pi-hole + Unbound dedicated Pi:

cat /proc/device-tree/model
Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 1
pi@ph5a:~ $ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       7.2G  2.4G  4.5G  35% /
devtmpfs         80M     0   80M   0% /dev
tmpfs           113M   21M   92M  19% /dev/shm
tmpfs           113M   12M  101M  11% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           113M     0  113M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1  253M   48M  205M  19% /boot
tmpfs            23M     0   23M   0% /run/user/999
tmpfs            23M     0   23M   0% /run/user/1000
pi@ph5a:~ $ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          224Mi        29Mi        48Mi        22Mi       146Mi       121Mi
Swap:          99Mi        64Mi        35Mi

All those tmpfs mounts are stored in RAM.

I think I'll just reflash my raspberry pi altogether, seems like too many things are broken at this point. Thanks a lot for your help! Really appreciate it!

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Dont forget to export/backup your settings first with the Teleporter:


Never mind ... no webGUI :smiley:
You could backup below folder for referencing settings:



Actually, I didn't notice the url and clicked it (it's really late here and I've got a maths exam tmr) and IT WORKED! Only the pi.hole/ page is broken, apparantly all other pages are working fine. That's quite interesting.

Clear your browser cache!

EDIT: Ow and some virus scanners can interfere, try disable it and try load the page again!
Maybe you have to create some exception in your AV for Pi-hole.

EDIT: Ow and what URL are you trying to access?
Below is proper one (http and not https):


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I don't think those should cause an issue since I've tried using different browsers and different devices. I will still however reflash my pi just to fix the mandb issue. Thanks a lot for your help! A link sent by mistake ended up solving it upto some extent, the world sure can be weird!

And yes that is the url I'm using. http://pi.hole/

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Even though the dashboard successfully opens and logs in, most actions still result in a 500 Internal Server Error with the same error as above popping up in logs. I will go ahead and reflash my pi as mandb still appears to be broken and pihole, even though functional, is not working properly.

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