PiHole 5 after upgrade without graphs

Actual Behaviour:

No Graphs after upgrade pihole 4.4 to 5.0.1 , based on Debian 10.3
acording to pihole - after running pihole -g , i see that gravity is updated , but it's not shown in the web admin.

Debug Token:


What is the output of

cd /var/www/html/admin && git show

I'm not entirely sure how this has happened. There is no 5.0.1.

Please could you run the following commands and paste in the output:

cd /var/www/html/admin
git status
git remote -v
git branch


Just a hunch, but I strongly suspect you are using a modified version of the web interface (going by the commit ID from your debug log) - that is not a commit that exists on the official web interface repository.

Either undo changes made to the local repository and see if you still see the issue, or create an issue with the author of the speedtest mod, as we cannot support their modifications.

I have been using the speedtest mod in 4.4 , so as you recommand - i will remove the mod and recheck.

cd /var/www/html/admin
root@PiHole:/var/www/html/admin# git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
root@PiHole:/var/www/html/admin# git remote -v
origin GitHub - arevindh/AdminLTE: Pi-hole Dashboard for stats and more (fetch)
origin GitHub - arevindh/AdminLTE: Pi-hole Dashboard for stats and more (push)
root@PiHole:/var/www/html/admin# git branch

  • master

cd /var/www/html/admin && git show
commit 0468c6cf7c2eab4cc348f03b2a8554bb74d444cf (HEAD -> master, tag: v5.0.1, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: itsmesid arevindh@gmail.com
Date: Tue May 12 18:15:43 2020 +0530

Update to bar chart

diff --git a/scripts/pi-hole/js/speedtest.js b/scripts/pi-hole/js/speedtest.js
index eee4c73e..26e588f4 100644
--- a/scripts/pi-hole/js/speedtest.js
+++ b/scripts/pi-hole/js/speedtest.js
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ setInterval(function () {

var speedChartctx = document.getElementById("speedtestChart");
var speedChart = new Chart(speedChartctx, {

  • type: 'line',
  • type: 'bar',
    data: {
    labels: speedlabels,
    datasets: [{

Yep, there you go, as I suspected :slight_smile:

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