PiHole 3.3 update available, but not updating

The web interface (Currently v3.3) says there is an update available, so I run pihole -up in the terminal get this,

[i] Checking for updates...
error: inflate: data stream error (invalid code -- missing end-of-block)
error: failed to read object 80e17ab72180f15ac4d5ff0044d4e8eafd95bc29 at offset 70747 from .git/objects/pack/pack-ee88f037620153340ed04412d6fd78fbf169fba3.pack
fatal: packed object 80e17ab72180f15ac4d5ff0044d4e8eafd95bc29 (stored in .git/objects/pack/pack-ee88f037620153340ed04412d6fd78fbf169fba3.pack) is corrupt
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Any ideas?

Debug Token:


What is the output of these commands?

dig google.com @
dig google.com @

Both give "Segmentation fault"


free -m

It sounds like you have a bigger system problem, if dig is segfaulting. What is the output of uname -a?

Output from both commands above,

I think @Mcat12 is right as there is a larger issue with your system.

Thanks guys, I have a backup I'll try that at the weekend :slight_smile:

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