Pi-Hole works for a short period and then tapers off to nothing


Please provide some additional detail. From your debug log, Pi-hole has not received any requests from network clients, and your DHCP server is providing alternate DNS servers in addition the IP of Pi-hole for client use as the DNS server. This allows network clients to bypass Pi-hole and use the other DNS.

What are you seeing that indicates Pi-hole was working and then no longer works?

   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.149 17233M] Imported 0 queries from the long-term database
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.151 17233M]  -> Total DNS queries: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.151 17233M]  -> Cached DNS queries: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.151 17233M]  -> Forwarded DNS queries: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.152 17233M]  -> Blocked DNS queries: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.152 17233M]  -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.153 17233M]  -> Unique domains: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.153 17233M]  -> Unique clients: 0
   [2022-02-14 14:29:57.153 17233M]  -> Known forward destinations: 0
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   Timeout: 10 seconds
   * Received 548 bytes from eth0:
     Offered IP address:
     Server IP address:
     Relay-agent IP address: N/A
     BOOTP server: (empty)
     BOOTP file: (empty)
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
      lease-time: 3600 ( 1h )
      --- end of options ---
   DHCP packets received on interface lo: 0
   DHCP packets received on interface eth0: 1

The dashboard doesn't increment. For days at a time.

When I first start Pi-Hole, I see several blocked entries and then it tapers off to nothing.

I have the FIRST DNS server in the modem set to the Reserved DNS ( of my Pi-Hole installation.

This does not guarantee that DNS traffic will go to Pi-hole. Pi-hole should be the only DNS server provided to clients.

Please post screen captures of the following things from your Pi-hole web admin GUI. In this forum, you can directly paste images into your reply.

The current query graph from the dashboard. Should look something like this:

The long term database query graph (under long term data) for the past week. Should look something like this:

And then from the Pi terminal, the output of the following commands:

This will be the total number of queries in your long term database since you installed Pi-hole:

sqlite3 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db "SELECT value FROM counters WHERE id = 0"

This will be the number of unique domains queried in your long term database

sqlite3 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db "select domain from queries group by domain order by domain" | wc -l

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