Pi-hole no longer blocking

Query count is increasing, blocked count no longer (yes, it has worked in the past).

debug token: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/bVqQF912/

Even on the pi-hole itself, nslookup for flurry.com resolves in an IP address.
Ran pi-hole -up, and pi-hole -g, to no avail.
The few queries that were blocked, were blocked because the database was busy.

Help, please.

Your gravity database is empty - no adlists, no domains, etc. Pi-hole is effectively disabled.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Info table
property value

version 15
updated 1697904224
gravity_count 0
Last gravity run finished at: Sat Oct 21 17:03:44 BST 2023

----- First 10 Gravity Domains -----

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Groups
id enabled name date_added date_modified description

0 1 Default 2023-05-28 03:37:02 2023-05-28 03:37:02 The default group

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Domainlist (0/1 = exact white-/blacklist, 2/3 = regex white-/blacklist)

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Clients

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Adlists

Ok. That would explain it.
But how would it been emptied? And more important: how do I fix it?

Thanks for the swift reply.

The database could have become damaged during a write process, your SD card could be having errors, etc. We'll likely never know.

Worked like a charm.

Thanks a lot!

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