Pi-Hole log claims doubleclick.net and googleadservices are blocked, but those ads still show

When I hover over the ad links it reads the top two entries as the domains. When I go to the PiHole console it shows them as being blocked, but they are showing on my computer. How can I diagnose this?

A token of the debug is here: ya3c0jjdzv

This thread provides some tools to determine where ads are coming from. If Pi-Hole is blocking the ad domains, it is possible the client is bypassing Pi-Hole through a browser or DNS setting.

I am running my laptop with the Pi as the DNS. I know it's working because I am not getting other ads and I show up on the Pi Hole console. On the Pi Hole console it shows my laptop's IP, and the doubleclick domain as being blocked. Here is DNSThingy on a YouTube video clip page (the ad is not in the video, it's a standard webpage ad under the video). You can see doubleclick shows up.

  • www.youtube.com
  • api.us-east-1.aiv-delivery.net
  • discourse.pi-hole.net
  • i9.ytimg.com
  • fonts.gstatic.com
  • r1---sn-vgqsknes.googlevideo.com
  • googleads.g.doubleclick.net
  • tpc.googlesyndication.com
  • s.ytimg.com
  • www.google.com
  • r1---sn-vgqsknls.googlevideo.com
  • yt3.ggpht.com
  • i.ytimg.com
  • static.doubleclick.net
  • ajax.googleapis.com

The ad is not a video ad, are you sure that's true for regular ads? And why would Pi Hole claim it is blocked?

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