Pi-hole ipv6 SLAAC not persistant

Details about my system:
I run pi-hole on a NAS server using TRUENAS scale OS, the pi-hole application has been installed inside a docker using the applicaion list provided by the TRUENAS catalog. I have found on this forums several topics that helped me to setup and make it work, pi-hole act


The issue I am facing:
I cannot keep the IPV6 support (SLAAC+RA) enabled, the setting is always overwritten and disabled when I restart the docker. If I change setupVars.conf manually, the fille is overwritten at restart too. And I haven't found a way to add this environment variable to the docker itself.

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

please find the log @ https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/RujAFx56/

You could set Pi-hole's corresponding optional environment variable DHCP_IPv6 for your Pi-hole container.

But commonly, your router would already provide stateless DHCPv6 support.

What's your purpose for enabling Pi-hole's IPV6 support (SLAAC+RA)?

If I don't enable this the PC with Windows 11 lose internet access after some time

If I change the setting inside the setupVars.conf, the file is overwritten with a new where this variable is blank.

I am not sure if the ISP router is doing its job but I can run Wireshark again to control this

I ran it w/o the IPV6 support (SLAAC+RA) for a time and after one or two days the DNS answer is wrong with IPV6:

Result with IPV6 SLAAC+RA = OFF

if I enable IPV6 support (SLAAC+RA) the answer is correct again

Result with IPV6 SLAAC+RA = ON

Might be the ISP routeur but I expressly setup inside the ISP routeur the pihole as primary IPV6 DNS serveur

So, if that PV6 SLAAC+RA could stay enable and not overwritten at every restart, that would solve my issue

no answer :frowning_face: maybe I should use another software?

Well, did you try that environment variable in the last 5 days yet?

I was doing it fully wrong. After some more test I could finally set this environment variable to the right value

Everything works fine, thank you for your precious help!