Pi-hole deleted blocked domains

When I went to bed last night, pi-hole was blocking 2.8 million domains.

Now it is blocking 1.8 million.

What happened?

I ran "Save and Update" under settings -> block lists and now I'm back up to 2.79mil domains blocked...... Not sure what happened here.

It could be that one of the sources of the lists was temporally down when the CRON scheduled update "pihole -g" was run.
So you didnt get all the domains as your used to.

EDIT: This bit in CRON:

pi@noads:~ $ cat /etc/cron.d/pihole
# Pi-hole: Update the ad sources once a week on Sunday at a random time in the
#          early morning. Download any updates from the adlists
11 4   * * 7   root    PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/" pihole updateGravity

If you check the Pi-hole logs at the time the CRON job runs, you would probably see some more info.