Pi-hole blocking domain White List does not override

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

full access and usage to usbank.com

Actual Behaviour:

Can bring up start page but, cannot go to login page or any of the links on the home page

Debug Token:


These may not be served from the usbank.com domain. Take a look at your query log and see which domains are requested and blocked. These tools can also help.

Here are the log entries. I have usbank.com as Regex and Exact plus I have onlinebanking.usbank.com as exact in the whitelist and I have done the update gravity


The SERVFAIL indicates your upstream resolver had a problem.

But, if I use a browser VPN (Firefox private network) the website works as designed. I assume this bypasses pi-hole dns.


This is correct. Typically, connecting through a VPN service puts your DNS on the DNS of the VPN service, bypassing Pi-hole.

So basically, there is no corrective solution for pi-hole and some domains will just act this way? This is a 2 day old installation and I have started building a more extensive whitelist than I expected. Not being a coder, just a user, I suspect there will not be the easy solution.


The problem is not with blocking but with inability of your upstream server to resolve the requested domains (as indicated by SERVFAIL. The domains are not being blocked by Pi-hole, and adding them to the whitelist doesn't change this. With your four blocklists (the defaults for V5.0), neither of these domains are on blocklist:

pihole -q usbank.com
[i] No results found for **usbank.com** within the block lists

pihole -q onlinebanking.usbank.com
[i] No results found for **onlinebanking.usbank.com** within the block lists

The issue is that the upstream resolver is not returning the IP. Please post the ouput of these commands from the Pi terminal:

nslookup usbank.com

nslookup usbank.com

nslookup usbank.com

nslookup usbank.com

Solved, upstream DNS server was the issue. Thank you!


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