Pi-Hole 5.16.1 does not upgrade to 5.16.2

Hi, I am using this

After the upgrade using this

sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -r

I am seeing the same version.

  [i] The install log is located at: /etc/pihole/install.log
  [✓] Update complete! 

  Current Pi-hole version is v5.16.1
  Current AdminLTE version is v5.19
  Current FTL version is v5.22

I was expecting to see v5.16.2

Am I doing something wrong?

I am choosing the Repair option in this screen


Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Sure, here it is.
Thanks for the reply.


Dude, This debug thing is awesome!

Run the following commands and post the output of the second:

pihole updatechecker

pihole -v

pi in ~ at hass 
➜ pihole updatechecker

pi in ~ at hass took 7s 
➜ pihole -v

  Pi-hole version is v5.16.1 (Latest: v5.16.2)
  AdminLTE version is v5.19 (Latest: v5.19)
  FTL version is v5.22 (Latest: v5.22)

Interesting now it shows this (Latest: v5.16.2) next to the version of Pi-hole.
Do you think it is a small bug since my distro is not supported?

It's not a bug if your disto is not supported. You need to follow the entire set of directions that are displayed.

It appears you are running Debian according to your debug but you have modified it in some way that is preventing us from determining what version of that distribution. What is your /etc/os-release file contents?

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