OS X: Safari won't load any pages

I have been using pi-hole for a while without problems. My main computer is a Mac.

Since a few days ago, the Safari browser does not load any pages when pi-hole is in use. It appears that it cannot resolve domain names. If I look at the pi-hole logs, I see no requests at all when trying to load something in Safari. Not even the domain pi.hole works.

I would not mind if it were only Safari that is having trouble, but there are a few other programs too.

However, most of them work fine. Chrome and Firefox work. Using ping from the command line works.

If I connect to a different WiFi network, or if I disable pi-hole completely on my home network, then everything is fine.

I cannot set a custom DNS server on my router, so I was using pi-hole as a DHCP server (and disabled this function on my router).

Do you have any idea what may be wrong? I cannot recall doing anything that could have broken this.

(To preempt the obvious questions, I did try rebooting both the Raspberry Pi and my main computer.)

If you are having issues with more than just Safari, there might be a larger problem.

Send us the token generated by

pihole -d

as a first step

Sorry for the late response. It took a while to be able to figure out what was going on.

Recently I had to install a configuration profile so I could access the eduroam network with new credentials at work.

I found that for as long as this profile is installed, certain things do not work on my home network.

I needed time to verify this because I could only install the profile at work, and I could only test whether it causes trouble at home.

For now, I simply removed the profile and ceased using the WiFi at work.

(I did not post the pihole -d log for two reasons: 1. I do not have the profile installed at the moment 2. I concluded that if it's the profile's fault, you probably can't help me fix it. If that is not correct, I will post it tomorrow.)

I have the same problem here. I could solve it by disabling the option "Automatische Proxy-Entdeckung" in "Systemeinstellungen -> Netzwerk -> Weitere Optionen... -> Proxies". Sorry for the german names, i don't know them in english. It seems, that this option uses "Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD)" that uses DHCP or as an fallback DNS for the discovery of a proxy. And this seems not to work with Pi Hole :frowning:

  • Christian