Thanks for the info. Interesting, I have quite some Bookworm systems, even 2 production servers here, and haven't faced any issues with whiptail yet.
I'll just try it in general and then with the Pi-hole installer in particular, after lastest apt full-upgrade
: Interesting, the regular message box works:
whiptail --msgbox test 20 70
The DietPi wrapper works:
Running the DietPi installer however does not work:
curl -sSL | PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E bash
I have such a guess that it is due to STDIN being overwritten by the pipe (just verified this being the issue, indeed), similar how stty size
cannot work when being called from a bash shell with a pipe, and why the idea came up to switch to static 70x20 whiptail dimensions in the Pi-hole installer, as with the pipe, terminal dimensions cannot be obtained anyway: Hardcode whiptail dimensions to 20 rows and 70 chars width by MichaIng · Pull Request #4229 · pi-hole/pi-hole · GitHub
Now whiptail
seems to suffer from a similar issue. Probably there is a workaround possible to bind STDIN of the whiptail calls again to the actual input console, but otherwise the installer instead can be called like this, avoiding the pipe:
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
respectively including sudo and skipping the OS check on Bookworm:
sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
EDIT: I'm actually wondering what caused this change. There was no upstream release but only a Debian build update since Bullseye:
newt (0.52.21-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* Standards-Version: 4.6.0
* Use debhelper-compat 13
* Use dh-sequence-python3 instead of --with python3, dh-python
* Point Vcs-Git to debian/latest branch for DEP-14
* Add d/gbp.conf to point to DEP-14 branches
* Drop custom 'xz' compression d/source/options
* Change stage1 build profile to nopython. Closes: #949721
* B-D on python3-all-dbg
* python.patch: Drop refs to obsolete pyversions
-- Alastair McKinstry <> Tue, 07 Sep 2021 10:59:05 +0100