Option to block recently created domains (DGA)

Finally this is possible with CloudFlare Teams and it is free!

You just have to point your Pi-hole to the CloudFlare Teams DNS.

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And in exchange, Cloudflare teams wants you to register with them. I would pass on that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I am all ears to other solutions than can do that! Please name them.

Do what? Capitalize on your personal information, make money selling you? Not sure why you'd want that...

Option to block recently created domains like the thread title says.


Yes, it was mentioned before

US$19.90/year for unlimited queries

I'd trust them vastly more than ClownFlare.

Hopefully more providers will add this feature and we can use the one we trust the most.
At the moment the choices are limited.

Doing it in Pi-hole is not possible.

Because it's useless. A topic covered in previous posts in this thread.

People have different requirements.

Blocking recently created domains will help me not to waste time and manually block new ad domains every week.
Some sites use up to 5 new domains to push ads and register new domains frequently.

By the time those are added to some lists they already moved on to other domains.

Browser extensions can help, but those are not available on some mobile devices.

replying here as I can not reply to next post:

How so? All new domains will be blocked also those made by DGAs.

The problem comes from the reaction time when a domain is created to being recognized as malicious/ads and then added to some of the public lists. Blocking newly created domains will bridge that time.
I think that is helpful but obviously has downsides (CloudFlare with tracking or NextDNS has cost and some new legit domains will be unavailable for some time).

Maybe not, you'll just spend time unblocking the false positives. Or, more likely, you'll never see any of the newly created domain names so you'll just feel like it's working.

By the by, DGA's are not being used in the manner you suggest. Newly created domains and DGA created domains are two completely separate things. What you linked to at CrapFare is not DGA.

Moved to Out Of Scope.