/opt/pihole scripts vanishing


This has happened more than once now, so I thought I would report it.

After an overnight unattended list and program update, I loose all scripts in /opt/pihole except for checkout.sh which is the only one remaining. Pihole 3.1.4, Web 3.1, FTL 2.9.4.

Obviously this means I can't generate a debug token!

Where can I get the scripts or do I need to reinstall pihole to get it all back working again.

As an aside, in the GUI, if I try a manual list update, it does not show any error that the update didn't complete. It just fades out the 'update' bar. Maybe a check or error message could be added?


I suppose that means that there is no text coming into your terminal? That is not really surprising, since the web interface is a mere wrapper around the Pi-hole CLI and only a convenient method to avoid having to SSH into the machine. Hence, if the scripts are missing, the web interface loses most of its power.

Do you have a log of what happened overnight when you ran the automated update?