OpenMediaVault Docker v4.1, not working

I got it working again GitHub - pi-hole/docker-pi-hole: Pi-hole in a docker container
You have to add --cap-add=NET_ADMIN

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Nice find, I'm back up and running now too. It looks like the documentation was updated to reflect this:

@diginc, is there somewhere you announce these kind of (potentially) breaking changes? If not, maybe a thread in this forum could work? As always, thanks for your ongoing work on this.

It is tricky getting communications out to everyone who is a docker user due to there being so many avenues of communication: Docker Hub favorites, Github Stars, forum users, Reddit users. I opted for top of the Readme this time to see how well it went. I hope it wasn't too much trouble, sorry for the breaking change.

This was an urgent enough bug fix that I felt releasing 4.1.1 again was necessary, definitely not a normal thing.

With this Readme update I added a recommendation to the update section to always checking either the top of the readme or the releases on github for info like this also. I fell behind on releases after 4.0 due to changing how the container was released but I'll make sure any new latest and versioned tags end up with notes in a github release from now on.

You can also watch github for releases only, if you don't want to see very single issue / PR pop up in your email.

I may still go back and patch in a check for missing capabilities which prints the docker fix instead of crashing. I feel docker logs is probably the best way to communicate breaking fixes to people since that should be the first place any docker user looks when debugging a broken container.

This is great, thanks. I'll watch the Github repo for new releases, so I'll know what Watchtower might have upgraded me to autonomously, and I'll keep an eye on the Readme. I agree that docker logs is probably the right place for any errors. Thanks again!

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