Open blocked-ads for specific websites in a remote headless chrome

The idea :

Allowing on some websites (maybe add a list in the admin panel ?) to have their ads opened in a headless-chrome in order to financially support them.

This way you could still support the websites you like without having the ads. :moneybag:

What do you think ? Would it work ?

Feel free to ask questions. I would gladly help to implement such a feature.

I do not know how it would be best to implement this (start with reading pi-hole.log I guess) but feel free to submit ideas !

I would not be in favor.

It is nice and kind to support bona-fide sites by showing ads, of course. But the reasons I want to be ad free are speed and security. The first one is not affected by your proposal but the second one is.

@mpve Indeed in some cases it might be a loss in term of security. But it is possible to sandbox the headless chrome browser into a docker container. This way, there is no security breach.