Not found on any Blacklist

I'm having a similar problem - I added *.local to the white list in the browers and I'm getting - the following screen shot (which makes no sense whatsoever.

What should I be doing to whitelist sites?

That "Not found on any Blacklist" is a 404 error. http://malachipi.local is 404.

I know that a 404 is page not found but I don't know how that relates to what I need to do. malachipi.local is the host name of that has the pihole server. I can connect to it if I use the ip and I can ping malachipi.local and get the ip resolved. I've white listed malachi.local - what do I need to do?

As an aside would it be possible to say page not found 404 rather than Not found on any Blacklist?

pi@malachipi:~ $ pihole -w malachi.local
[i] malachi.local already exists in whitelist, no need to add!

The domain malachipi.local resolves to the right IP address. What ever web page you intended to see at http://malachipi.local is broken and the web server at that address is returning a 404 error.

Yes, stop using the IP blocking mode, the only reason it exists is to show a blocking page and blocking pages rarely work anymore. Just use the default NXDOMAIN or NULL blocking mode.

I don't think that is the problem as the web server at malachipi is the pihole instance and it works if I use the ip instead of the FQDN.

The documentation says the NULL blocking mode is the default and I'm using the vanilla setup straight out of the box (i.e. BLOCKING_MODE has not been set at all in /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf).


So I set BLOCKING_MODE=NULL but the address malachipi.local now results in a page that says:

malachipi.local been whitelisted, and points to the pihole web server.

What should I try next?

Tell us what it is you are trying to do.

Not quite - malachipi is the host name of the raspberry pi that is running pihole, malachipi.local is it FQDM. There are no other webservers on the raspberry pi. I am trying to connect to the pihole webserver that is running on the raspberry pi. I can successfully ping malachipi.local and also successfully ping, I can connect to the pihole webserver via in the browser but if i cannot connect to the pihole webserver using http://malachipi.local/ in the browser instead I get the page from pihole saying malachipi.local needs whitelisting.

I'm trying to connect to the pihole webserver via http://malachipi.local/ - I thought that would be a simple straight forward test that everything is working correctly.

Given that pihole is serving the page I posted above surely it must just be a bug in the pihole webserver and not in the FTLDNS - else I wouldn't get the notice page.

Unless you put something there, there isn't anything to display at http://malachipi.local. That's why you're seeing what you are seeing. The only domain that works for automatic redirection is http://pi.hole. That will redirect you to http://pi.hole/admin/. So if you are trying to get to the admin page then you'll need to go directly to it: http://malachipi.local/admin/ (with the trailing slash). The reason for that is to prevent a blocked domain from getting to the admin page.

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