New Raspberry Pi and new Pi-Hole installation, hoping to be able to route traffic and block ads. I'm pretty new to this so I followed a couple of online installation guides and I was hoping it would work as easily as they made it sound.
Actual Behaviour:
But no traffic seems to be routing through the Pi-hole.
This is my second attempt at installing on this new Raspberry Pi 4b.
I have seen there have been other posts on this in the past, but am not sure how to resolve for my case. Not very adept with router technology. UK based BT Router. Checked that the IP the Router has for the RB Pi is set to static which it is.
Blocklist works fine through the PI itself, but not through my ASUS Zenbook or work Dell Laptop. Only traffic showing through Pi-Hole seems to be the RB Pi4 itself. Any help would be appreciated, but please treat me as a complete n00b!
Using Ethernet cable to room socket (works on other devices), Wireless LAN disabled on Pi to prioritize Ethernet, same issue when Wireless LAN enabled on Pi.
Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:
Out of curiosity I tried and got:
uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
Because of the following filter:
Found in:
As a filtering DNS server, Pi-hole is not involved in routing at all.
That's (well ) a router's job.
Your debug log shows that your router is distributing its own IP as local DNS server via DHCP:
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
* Received 350 bytes from eth0:
Offered IP address:
DHCP options:
Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
--- end of options ---
That would only be a valid configuration if you'd have pointed your router to use Pi-hole as its upstream, which you apparently have not done (but also note that you won't be able to attribute DNS queries to individual clients in such a configuration).
Does that mean if I need to set my Pi as local DNS server in my router? Apologies if this is a stupid/impossible comment, resulting in you falling off your chair and now crying like a baby in a puddle of your own p155 due to my stupidity. I'd like to learn, but am very new, and my brain is not as young as I once used to be. Lol
That would be the preferred configuration, but not all routers may support it.
To help you understand the difference between upstream (or WAN) and local (or LAN) DNS servers:
Your local DNS server will be used by your local network clients for host name resolution. It can be set but can be set manually on each client device, but usually, it will be announced to a client by your router's DHCP server. Most routers will announce their own IP as DNS server.
Only a local DNS server can know about the hostnames of devices in your local network.
Your router's upstream DNS server is a DNS server used by your router itself, usually for resolving public host names on the internet.
Your ISP will routinely announce its own DNS servers to be used as your router's upstream.
You can set Pi-hole's private range IP address here, but not all routers agree with a private address. They may require DNS rebind protection to be disabled, or they may outright refuse to work with it.
Most routers should allow manual configuration for announcing a local DNS server (commonly, a LAN/DHCP kind of option), while fewer may only provide to set upstream DNS servers (commonly, a WAN/Internet kind of option).