New installation on CentOS 7: Web interface "Connection refused"

I just installed Pi-hole and Im trying with Chrome (http) and with IE and I cant reach either the IP or the /admin

Is there something else needed?

What address are you using to find the Pi-Hole admin page? And what are you seeing on your browser screen?

http://pi.hole/admin, or

http://[Pi-Hole IP here]/admin?

IE just says the page can't be found.

What address are you requesting that results in this error?


Ive tried the hostname as well.

I dont mean to be rude but these questions are entry level support and we are wasting each other's time

netstat -anp shows nothing listening on 80 or 443

Run a debug log, upload and post the token.


Did you open port 80 in firewall?

firewalld is disabled

Your debug log shows lighttpd is failed (not listening on port 80), which you have already found. Lighttpd serves the admin interface and block page.

The debug log normally shows all the ports in use, but yours is blank. What is the output of the following:

sudo netstat -nltup | grep 'Proto\|:53 \|:67 \|:80 \|:471’

systemctl status lighttpd -l

You guys need to add a FAQ on these common issues.

We don't maintain FAQ's on every problem, but there is a good search feature on this forum:

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