New install -- DNS resolution is not available

No specific reason other than I wanted to try using that method as per "Alternative Methods" #1. I'm happy to use the standard method if you suggest.

What does below ones show?

pi@ph5b:~ $ mktemp --suffix .gravity

Replace uRpbYvNvB1 below with the ouput from above:

EDIT: Ow be very careful with the dd command!!!
Its nickname is Disk Destroyer if just make a tiny mistake.

pi@ph5b:~ $ dd bs=1 count=2048000 if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tmp.uRpbYvNvB1.gravity
2048000+0 records in
2048000+0 records out
2048000 bytes (2.0 MB, 2.0 MiB) copied, 101.058 s, 20.3 kB/s
pi@ph5b:~ $ stat /tmp/tmp.uRpbYvNvB1.gravity
  File: /tmp/tmp.uRpbYvNvB1.gravity
  Size: 2048000         Blocks: 4000       IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: b302h/45826d    Inode: 1718        Links: 1
Access: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/      pi)   Gid: ( 1000/ UNKNOWN)
Access: 2022-07-13 21:26:27.025252488 +0200
Modify: 2022-07-13 21:29:31.392282571 +0200
Change: 2022-07-13 21:29:31.392282571 +0200
 Birth: 2022-07-13 21:26:27.025252488 +0200
pi@ph5b:~ $ file /tmp/tmp.uRpbYvNvB1.gravity
/tmp/tmp.uRpbYvNvB1.gravity: data

Delete that test file when finished with below:

rm /tmp/tmp.*.gravity

As requested:

pi@pi2:~ $ mktemp --suffix .gravity
pi@pi2:~ $ dd bs=1 count=2048000 if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tmp.1wYVc9MbyN.gravity
2048000+0 records in
2048000+0 records out
2048000 bytes (2.0 MB, 2.0 MiB) copied, 18.2121 s, 112 kB/s
pi@pi2:~ $ stat /tmp/tmp.1wYVc9MbyN.gravity
  File: /tmp/tmp.1wYVc9MbyN.gravity
  Size: 2048000         Blocks: 4000       IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: b307h/45831d    Inode: 1322561     Links: 1
Access: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/      pi)   Gid: ( 1000/      pi)
Access: 2022-07-13 15:49:44.219696697 -0400
Modify: 2022-07-13 15:52:07.757854769 -0400
Change: 2022-07-13 15:52:07.757854769 -0400
 Birth: -
pi@pi2:~ $ file /tmp/tmp.1wYVc9MbyN.gravity
/tmp/tmp.1wYVc9MbyN.gravity: data

Note that while pi-hole is newly installed, this system has been running a package called wfpiconsole (displays info from my weather station). I mention this only to point out that read/writes are working and in general the system is functioning normally. That package does not make any system-level changes (e.g., doesn't touch DNS), it simply listens to a websocket and displays the output.

Those file permissions look alright.
Could you check that directory as well?

ls -lahd /etc/pihole/
pi@pi2:~ $ ls -lahd /etc/pihole
drwxrwxr-x 3 pihole pihole 4.0K Jul 14 15:19 /etc/pihole

I'm guessing that's fine because A) it looks fine, and B) it's identical to my other (working) pi-hole machine setup.

Try below:

Here's the output from the start in debug mode:

[2022-07-14 16:21:03.312 4615M] Using log file /var/log/pihole/FTL.log
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.313 4615M] ########## FTL started on! ##########
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.314 4615M] FTL branch: master
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.314 4615M] FTL version: v5.16.1
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.314 4615M] FTL commit: 5ff5bed
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.315 4615M] FTL date: 2022-07-08 08:44:12 +0100
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.316 4615M] FTL user: pihole
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.316 4615M] Compiled for armv7hf (compiled on CI) using arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.317 4615M] Creating mutex
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.318 4615M] Creating mutex
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.323 4615M] Starting config file parsing (/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf)
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.323 4615M]    SOCKET_LISTENING: only local
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.324 4615M]    AAAA_QUERY_ANALYSIS: Show AAAA queries
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.324 4615M]    MAXDBDAYS: max age for stored queries is 365 days
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.325 4615M]    RESOLVE_IPV6: Resolve IPv6 addresses
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.325 4615M]    RESOLVE_IPV4: Resolve IPv4 addresses
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.325 4615M]    DBINTERVAL: saving to DB file every minute
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.326 4615M]    DBFILE: Using /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.326 4615M]    MAXLOGAGE: Importing up to 24.0 hours of log data
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.327 4615M]    PRIVACYLEVEL: Set to 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.328 4615M]    IGNORE_LOCALHOST: Show queries from localhost
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.328 4615M]    BLOCKINGMODE: Null IPs for blocked domains
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.329 4615M]    ANALYZE_ONLY_A_AND_AAAA: Disabled. Analyzing all queries
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.329 4615M]    DBIMPORT: Importing history from database
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.330 4615M]    PIDFILE: Using /run/
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.330 4615M]    PORTFILE: Using /run/pihole-FTL.port
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.330 4615M] WARNING: Unable to write used port to file
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.331 4615M]          (API might not find the port)
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.331 4615M]    SOCKETFILE: Using /run/pihole/FTL.sock
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.332 4615M]    SETUPVARSFILE: Using /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.333 4615M]    MACVENDORDB: Using /etc/pihole/macvendor.db
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.333 4615M]    GRAVITYDB: Using /etc/pihole/gravity.db
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.333 4615M]    PARSE_ARP_CACHE: Active
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.334 4615M]    CNAME_DEEP_INSPECT: Active
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.334 4615M]    DELAY_STARTUP: No delay requested.
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.335 4615M]    BLOCK_ESNI: Enabled, blocking _esni.{blocked domain}
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.335 4615M]    NICE: Set process niceness to -10 (default)
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.335 4615M]    MAXNETAGE: Removing IP addresses and host names from network table after 365 days
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.336 4615M]    NAMES_FROM_NETDB: Enabled, trying to get names from network database
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.337 4615M]    EDNS0_ECS: Overwrite client from ECS information
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.337 4615M]    REFRESH_HOSTNAMES: Periodically refreshing IPv4 names
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.338 4615M]    RATE_LIMIT: Rate-limiting client making more than 1000 queries in 60 seconds
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.339 4615M]    LOCAL_IPV4: Automatic interface-dependent detection of address
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.339 4615M]    LOCAL_IPV6: Automatic interface-dependent detection of address
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.340 4615M]    BLOCK_IPV4: Automatic interface-dependent detection of address
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.340 4615M]    BLOCK_IPV6: Automatic interface-dependent detection of address
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.341 4615M]    SHOW_DNSSEC: Enabled, showing automatically generated DNSSEC queries
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.341 4615M]    MOZILLA_CANARY: Enabled
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.342 4615M]    PIHOLE_PTR: internal PTR generation enabled (pi.hole)
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.342 4615M]    ADDR2LINE: Enabled
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.342 4615M]    REPLY_WHEN_BUSY: Drop queries when the database is busy
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.343 4615M]    BLOCK_TTL: 2 seconds
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.343 4615M]    BLOCK_ICLOUD_PR: Enabled
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.343 4615M]    CHECK_LOAD: Enabled
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.343 4615M]    CHECK_SHMEM: Warning if shared-memory usage exceeds 90%
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.344 4615M]    CHECK_DISK: Warning if certain disk usage exceeds 90%
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.344 4615M] Finished config file parsing
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.347 4615M] Database version is 12
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.347 4615M] Resizing "FTL-strings" from 40960 to (81920 * 1) == 81920 (/dev/shm: 1.2MB used, 2.0GB total, FTL uses 1.2MB)
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.348 4615M] Imported 0 alias-clients
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.348 4615M] Database successfully initialized
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.386 4615M] Imported 0 queries from the long-term database
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.387 4615M]  -> Total DNS queries: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.388 4615M]  -> Cached DNS queries: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.388 4615M]  -> Forwarded DNS queries: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.389 4615M]  -> Blocked DNS queries: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.389 4615M]  -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.390 4615M]  -> Unique domains: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.391 4615M]  -> Unique clients: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.391 4615M]  -> Known forward destinations: 0
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.392 4615M] Successfully accessed setupVars.conf
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.394 4615M] listening on port 53
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.395 4615M] listening on :: port 53
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.399 4615M] WARNING: Unable to write PID to file.
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.399 4615M]          Continuing anyway...
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.399 4615M] PID of FTL process: 4615
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.399 4615/T4616] Listening on port 4711 for incoming IPv4 telnet connections
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.400 4615/T4618] Listening on Unix socket
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.400 4615M] INFO: FTL is running as user pihole (UID 999)
dnsmasq: started, version pi-hole-2.87test8 cachesize 10000
dnsmasq: DNS service limited to local subnets
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-DBus no-UBus no-i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset no-nftset auth cryptohash DNSSEC loop-detect inotify dumpfile
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: using only locally-known addresses for onion
dnsmasq: using only locally-known addresses for bind
dnsmasq: using only locally-known addresses for invalid
dnsmasq: using only locally-known addresses for localhost
dnsmasq: using only locally-known addresses for test
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.401 4615M] Reloading DNS cache
dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 5 addresses
dnsmasq: read /etc/pihole/custom.list - 0 addresses
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.402 4615/T4617] Listening on port 4711 for incoming IPv6 telnet connections
dnsmasq: failed to load names from /etc/pihole/local.list: No such file or directory
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.405 4615/T4619] gravityDB_count(SELECT value FROM info WHERE property = 'gravity_count';) - SQL error step no more rows available
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.406 4615/T4619] Count of gravity domains not available. Please run pihole -g
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.408 4615/T4619] Compiled 0 whitelist and 0 blacklist regex filters for 0 clients in 2.3 msec
[2022-07-14 16:21:03.408 4615/T4619] Blocking status is enabled

Is this a smoking gun?

dnsmasq: failed to load names from /etc/pihole/local.list: No such file or directory

No. That list is rarely used.

Looks like pihole-FTL has no difficulties accessing the database as such - it is just empty. :thinking:

Something may be wrong with the script creating the gravity database.
What's the output of:

ls -lah /opt/pihole/

EDIT: @dkozinn, please also provide:

cat /var/log/pihole/pihole_updateGravity.log
pi@pi2:~ $ ls -lah /opt/pihole
total 260K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 10 18:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Jul 10 16:05 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  21K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.1K Jul 10 18:06 COL_TABLE
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  38K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  11K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.0K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.2K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  63K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.9K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  823 Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.1K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.9K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.0K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3.1K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.2K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.9K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6.7K Jul 10 18:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  29K Jul 10 18:06

Those files look alright as well.

What about the log file (later edit by me)?

FYI, I just now updated to the latest:

pi@ph5b:~ $ pihole -up
Update Complete!

  Current Pi-hole version is v5.11.4
  Current AdminLTE version is v5.13
  Current FTL version is v5.16.1

And it still shows:

pi@ph5b:~ $ date; grep -i 'Database version' /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
Thu 14 Jul 23:08:02 CEST 2022
[2022-07-14 23:02:00.827 22988M] Database version is 12

Apologies - that version is correct - it's for pihole-FTL.db, not gravity.db.
I've removed that from my previous post.

1 Like

Lost me a bit there, was there an ask for me?

Yes, I'm still missing pihole_updateGravity.log. :wink:

Apparently so am I:

pi@pi2:~ $ cat /var/log/pihole/pihole_updateGravity.log
cat: /var/log/pihole/pihole_updateGravity.log: No such file or directory
1 Like

Try kick here of manually with below and post outcome here:

pihole -g

EDIT: I realized that one might not run properly if nothing populated in that gravity.db file:

pi@ph5b:~ $ pihole-FTL sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT address FROM adlist"

Hold on, I'll type up something else to try.

Done previously with the same result, but here's a fresh one:

pi@pi2:~ $ pihole -g
  [✗] DNS resolution is currently unavailable
  [✗] DNS resolution is not available

There's more about this up in the thread, but there most definitely is DNS resolution on that box:

pi@pi2:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Edited by dbk
pi@pi2:~ $ host localhost
Using domain server:
Name: localhost
Address: ::1#53
Aliases: has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20
pi@pi2:~ $ host has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20

Was this what you wanted?

pi@pi2:~ $ pihole-FTL sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT address FROM adlist"

I also tried fetching that file and it succeeded. (Did something similar previously as well.)

Yeah exactly.
It proves that gravity.db file is populated.

The gravity code phole -g relies on the DNS nameserver(s) defined in below file:

What does below ones show?

EDIT: nslookup -type=A

dig @ a

And as I cant peek into the uploaded debug logs, also provide below pls?

ip -br l

ip -br -4 a

ip -4 r